Saturday, 23 January 2010

Out with the old, in with the new(ish)

Four years ago we had a problem, the old daily drive's gearbox went south along with a predicted huge bill for repairing the Citroen's Hydractive suspension we had it cubed and nabbed a bit of 1980s action in the shape of a 16v Golf GTI.


It served us well, needing only a few bits that any 20yr old car would need to keep it going, and with almost 150000 miles on the clock it still pulled like a train and provided big smiles. We nicknamed it "Fiver" the day we bought it, I had test driven the car and was taking it home, barely a mile into the return trip it conked out and we had to rely on the Beetle to collect £5 worth of unleaded to replace the vapours in the tank!


Over 40000 miles under the wheels and its time to move on, with a perspective buyer in the wings we nabbed a bargain the other weekend, bigger, better and warmer (but not as fast!) a low milage, one owner Passat, 16v and 150bhp/ton might be a lot of fun, but climate control and a quiet ride wins the day.


Rare for us the car has yet to pick up a name, so its just plain old Passat for now. Theres no plans to change the car yet, a slap from the lowering stick and some new rims might be added in the future.....




  1. Do you not think you haven't named it because it's a modern car rather than a classic? Old cars deserve to be called something because they have more character than the run of the mill cars of today which are pretty much similar looking.

  2. You're probably correct Gren!
