Saturday, 13 October 2012

Classics on the green

I enjoy our yearly drive down the A4 to Thatcham. The Classic & Sportscar magazine hosts a great little free show on the green for a couple of hundred assorted cars. This year we opted for a two pronged attack and took both the Camper and Beetle. The first year I went I was the only VW there, this year almost a dozen turnout.


Soon after arriving, Kims friend Nette turned up and we headed over to fellow Dubbers, Alan and Ed who had lowered the tone with a cow and Ladybird duo.


We wandered into town for a coffee to allow the place to fill up before wandering round for some photo taking. My new 550D on its first outing. Some of the same cars were back again but there were also lots of new ones.





Lily got a copy of I Spy Classic Cars for her birthday and this was its second outing, it may be slightly cheating to take it to a car show (theres nothing in the rules saying you can't) but we racked up almost 600 points.



Following a lunch break we waved off more of Kims friends in their Land Rover and with Lily in the buggy for a nap we headed round to mop up the last of the cars, the sun still just about shining down.





I stood by the entrance for a while chewing the fat with The Bales and watching cars come and go. We decided that a double garage with a Mustang and this tiny Bond Minicar in would be a good laugh.




With a spit of rain in the air we decided to pack up and head home, as we got on the A4 the heavens opened and for the whole journey back it got wetter and wetter until it was hammering down with hail. As soon as we got home the sun was back out. The rest of the photos from one of the last shows of the year can be found here


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