Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Years Day washout

Once again the first day of a new year means a trip to the A30 for the classic car meet. Sadly after a few bright by chilly days over Christmas, January first dawned damp and dreary. This then turned to wet and windy. But we set off and sailed down the lanes to the pub. As we approached it was clear the turn out was down a lot on previous years. instead of the hundreds of amazing classics and sportscars there were under fifty. I left Kim and Lily in the dry and headed out, bumping into VW chum Alan and RR chum Nick on route.

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The front carpark was only just full up and that included some modern cars. Round the back was empty save for a handful of 70s saloons including this barn find 1978 Datsun with under 1000 miles from new. The tale was of a man buying it brand new and not passing his test so leaving it in the garage.

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Back to the main road again we wandered towards the traffic lights, but there was nothing to see there at all. Everyone who did turn up made a huge effort, none more than the bikers and this Riley owner who braved the weather in flying hat and goggles.

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Alan and I headed back to the Camper and nattered to Kim while Lily played inside before we risked a short walk down to Alans van. Its a slightly sorry start to the year, but things can hopefully only get better!

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