Saturday, 14 June 2014

Monsoon at the Woodley Carnival

It was Carnival day in Woodley today. Last year we had a big LTV stand, but with short notice from me they were sadly unable to help this time. Instead our friend Steve in his Porsche (is it a classic or just a Porsche) joined Kim and Lily in the Beetle and me in the Camper for  Flat 14 convoy. After the thunderstorm last night the field was surprisingly firm with only a mini duck pond in one corner to avoid. We parked up and headed for the precinct for a cuppa and walk round.

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Back on the stand and with the Carnival about to start the rest of the classics had arrived and been parked up around the hilly corner of the field. Hants & Berks MC had done a grand job enticing people out with a huge variety of cars on show. With the nearby Basingstoke Classic Car Club providing a large number. Using the Camper as a base we wandered around.

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I really liked this Thames van, with the same owner since he bought it new in 1958.

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An unusual badge combination.

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Feeling peckish we wandered back past the Camper towards the food stands and nabbed some foot long dogs.

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While wandering back the heavens suddenly opened. Rain lashed down and we scurried for shelter under a gazebo at one of the stalls before a final dash for the Camper. With twenty minutes it had stopped and the sun returned. We carreid on our walk and even had a train ride too.

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Back once more by the Camper we quenched our thirsts and had another look around the rest of the cars. The Stag and Portafold caravan combo in matching mustard yellow was so very 70s.

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Lily had an ice cream and seemed to be wearing most of the field and it on her shorts.

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Soon after the path was closed for the procession to return, club regulars provided transport for the kids and the floats lumbered along.

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It was hands on action back at the cars, we asked the owner of the 1927 Ford if Lily could try the hornout, he let her on the running boards and she honked away. If the rude man who we found opening the back of the Beetle up had asked or the little child that smeared an ice cream handprint down the side of the 911 had been more careful, us Steves wouldn't have been so grumpy at the end of the day!

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As the day came to an end the club awarded one of the Jenson "Car of the show" I was on hand to get some photos for the clubs magazine. The owner very chuffed with his silverware.

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And then with a very tired Lily it was time to head home. Apart from the shower in the middle it was a scorching day once more. Hopefully we'll be back next year with a few more cars. There are lots more photos from the day here.


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